Thursday, April 4, 2013

Skyhouse: An New York Penthouse With Climbing Column & Slide!

This multi-level penthouse sits atop an iconic skyscraper in Lower Manhattan (New York City) and is the product of a cohesive collaboration between architect, David Hotson and interior designer, Ghislaine ViƱas, both of whom wished to pay homage to the historical significance of the building in a very contemporary way. Flawlessly executed, this wish produced a home that feels like a museum of modern art and cultivates the sensation of being on top of the world, with panoramic views of the famously urban landscape. While it is apparently aware that it remains a series of functional living spaces, whimsy climaxes in the structural heart of the project: the living room, from which an imposing steel column, come rock climbing wall, spans the height of the build, rendering the space positively cavernous, and together with metallic tubular slides, acts as a legitimate method of transport.
Rock climbing pillar in living room of skyhouse
Metallic tubular slide exit into living entertainment in white and grey
The climbing course, slides and stairs that facilitate movement throughout this unique and incredible space do so with such precise purpose that mezzanine nooks, alcoves and annexes can be fully utilized. The floral lounge that hangs above the main living area provides a quiet escape in which to read and relax, or perhaps catch a breath, which will then be stolen by views of the city upon reaching the summit. Angular bedrooms in white and muted neon lie in wait on the upper-most floors and serve as a point from which the residence can be surveyed, and what is noticeable from such a height are the spaces, deliberately empty, that speak almost as loudly as those which have been filled. These spaces, white, sharp and glazed speak to the contemporary form of the architecture and do much to aid the cohesion that makes this project such a remarkable success.
The climbing course, slides and stairs that facilitate movement throughout this unique and incredible space do so with such precise purpose that mezzanine nooks, alcoves and annexes can be fully utilized. The floral lounge that hangs above the main living area provides a quiet escape in which to read and relax, or perhaps catch a breath, which will then be stolen by views of the city upon reaching the summit. Angular bedrooms in white and muted neon lie in wait on the upper-most floors and serve as a point from which the residence can be surveyed, and what is noticeable from such a height are the spaces, deliberately empty, that speak almost as loudly as those which have been filled. These spaces, white, sharp and glazed speak to the contemporary form of the architecture and do much to aid the cohesion that makes this project such a remarkable success.
Metallic tubular slide spiral view
Metallic tubular slide segment
Metallic tubular slide passing through bedroom with reflection
Metallic tubular slide entry top level profile
Metallic tubular slide entry top level children
Metallic tubular slide exit into thoroughfare livng spaces
Rock climbing pillar from living room to mezzanine levels
Rock climbing pillar to mezzanine floral lounge
Rock climbing pillar from living room to mezzanine levels
Rock climbing pillar from ground to top floor landscape
Rock climbing pillar from mezzanine floral lounge to top floor
Rock climbing accessed mezzanine with floral lounge
Bedroom annex in pastel peppermint green
Bedroom higher floors in white and neon with portrait
Bedroom higher floors in white and neon with view
Glazing of white and transparent internal spaces with view to ceiling
Internal angles with view to skylight in red and white
Angular internal stairwell in white with painted steel beams
Angular internal stairwell with mezzanine thoroughfare in glass
Angular hall in white with orange and panoramic portrait


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