Friday, August 15, 2014

Most Important Things while Selecting Body Pillow Covers

The best Body Pillow Covers are the ones that do not squeeze the pillow and suits your purpose too.

[caption id="attachment_563" align="aligncenter" width="450"]comfortable body pillow images comfortable body pillow images[/caption]

Since while sleeping, we often turn to our sides, many of us take another pillow to keep out knee on either out of habit or for avoiding discomfort (in case of older people). So what a particular body pillow pattern does is supports your body accordingly. For example, in case of pregnant women, they need support on the sides of their tummy when turning on their side. The body pillow offers exactly that. They come in a lot of variety, viz., size, pattern, softness, etc.

[caption id="attachment_569" align="aligncenter" width="500"]softest body pillow cover design softest body pillow cover design[/caption]

The most important thing while selecting Body Pillow Covers is the fabric. Choose a natural fabric as far as possible since they are hypoallergenic and ideal as body pillow covers. Natural fabrics are soft to touch and easily washable (home wash) too. However, look for the tensile strength of it too. For example, avoid silk in case of throw pillows. Instead go for cotton since they are strong enough to take considerable amount of wear and tear.Body Pillow Covers

For your kids, you can have custom Body Pillow Covers with the kids theme or bright colorful shades with patchwork. The best part is you can also make body pillow cover yourself by sewing it up at home. Find out how to make a pillowcase. It is not only a cheap alternative but also a fantastic way to have the perfect fitted cover for the pillow. You can be as innovative as you want.

[caption id="attachment_564" align="aligncenter" width="440"]snoozer full body pillow synthetic models snoozer full body pillow synthetic models[/caption]

If the idea of making body pillow cover does not interest you much, then let me apprise you of the kinds that are available in the market. You have many fabrics like polyesters, satin, fur, etc. Depending on what purpose you want it for you can choose wisely. For example, if you want the body pillow covers for the lounge area you can surely go in for the polyester fabric since it is strong and easy to wash and dry.

Body Pillow Covers


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